Journal Articles :
Working papers:
Maternal healthcare services utilisation and its associated risk factors: A pooled study of 37 low- and middle-income countries (with Ahammed, B. & Keramat, S.A: Submitted: International Journal of Clinical Practice)
A generalised framework for analysing socioeconomic health and income mobility using longitudinal data (With Alam K. & Gow J.). Current draft: March 2021 (Under review: Journal of Economic Inequality)
Family and peer effect on young and adolescent smoking in Bangladesh (With Ahmed M.U. & Pulok M.H.). Current draft: March 2022
Measuring and decomposing socioeconomic inequality in alcohol consumption: a cross-sectional analysis of the ArNCD cohort study (With Pourfarzi F., Zandian H., Malekzadeh R., Rezaei S. & Moghadam T.Z.). Current draft: October 2020
Corporate governance in healthcare under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA(With Ahmed M.U. & Pulok M.H. ). Current draft: June 2020